“How to protect bird nests”

On May 12, ArAves Nature Conservation NGO visited Yerevan Special Educational Complex for Children with Hearing Disorders. The project coordinator Tsovinar Hovhannisyan presented Spring Alive annual programme, told about Spring Alive species and their fascinating phenomenon of migration, as well as highlighted this year theme of Spring Alive “How to protect bird nests”.

Students were excited, had a chance to improve their knowledge of birds, learned new facts about spring ambassadors, and promised to oraganise a small birdwatching trip in the school’s backyard. The school’s backyard provide the best nesting and foraging ground for garden birds and even for some Spring Alive species.

ArAves Nature Conservation NGO greatly value the willingness of students to learn about birds, is hopeful that gained knowledge and information they will be able to practice and implement in future. The students received encouraging awards such as Spring Alive publications.

Spring Alive is an international project that aims to encourage children’s interest towards nature and the conservation of migratory birds and to get them to take action for birds and other wildlife as well as to participate in the events organized by BirdLife Partners. Spring Alive is organized by BirdLife International with financial support of HeidelbergCement.